orry, sorry, sorry. I'm sure this is posted somewhere among the dozens of posts, but I'm hoping to get a concise ruling from the refs. I think D/S is such a different product that it should have it's own FAQ.
1. What are the -real world- requirements for D/S? I keep seeing anecdotes that would indicate something like 24gb -and- an SSD are necessary for a complete 'orchestra'... while the 'minimum' requirements are '4gb' RAM. I can't afford D/S -and- a new PC right now so I don't wanna get it and then find out I can't actually -use- it with what I have now... or at least I wanna know what I need to buy in order to be productive.
2. I see in the video that one can load patches for individual 'players' 1-8. But elsewhere the talk is of 2 players per 'desk'.So, can one isolate individual 'soloists' or is this a matter of 'balancing' the level of each of the 8 players... or determining auto-divisi?
3. On a related topic, I currently use Chamber Strings. If I want a -smaller- sound, can I somehow 'mute' some of the players?
4. I assume that a big part of the large RAM requirement is for loading separate patches for each 'player' or desk. Is that the basic idea?
5. Are there 'RAM saving' lower-horsepower patches for when one -doesn't- need divisis or lots of detail... just all 8 guys unisono on the same articulation? Perhaps with fewer layers?
6. Since there are no mute... er 'con sordino's... is this to be expected in a future update or will it be a separate 'extended' ($$$) lib?
As always: THANKS!