Hi Guy...
A quick (but delicate) question re. the D/S demo.
How much time did you spend on that? It's great... as are all your demos, but it seems like in a number of places where there s.b. natural 'swells', (basically every phrase!) the dynamics are a little... well... flat. I'm not picking on you... I'm just trying to get a sense of whether it's the lib... or if you just didn't have the time to add all those little details. I'm guessing it's the latter as there are also a number of places where I'd expect more of a 'breath' between phrases and I know -those- can take a while to program as well.
BTW: I commend you on your decision to do this selection---it really shows off the the 'humanity' of the lib.
Also: can you comment on the kind of machine(s) you used to do this? I'm really curious about the horsepower requirements. I have a 'slave' machine, but it's far from state of the art.