I primarily use Chamber Strings. I have CS1 and CS2 but not the CS Extended Libs though which has been a drag. So now I have a =little= bit of dough. Basically, I have to choose either/or. Either I get the Extended libs for CS or Dimension Strings which seems like a great deal. Here are my questions--primarily for people who already have CS.
My BIG general question is: I'm wondering from other CS users if they see Dimension as a viable -replacement- for CS. It would -seem- so, but maybe I'm missing something.
A little more specific: Can Dimension sound -smaller- if need be? I see you can do divisis, but can one actually select specific desks? I mean, can one select -just- one desk at a time (2 vlns)? Or 4?
Also: Any word yet on when the preview discount expires?
Finally: I see that the RAM requirements are pretty big. Are there other increased requirements? I have a Sandybridge 3.4ghz, 16GB RAM. Haven't had any redlining yet w Cubase with CS and my other libs, but... should I realistically consider an even faster machine? IOW: is Dimension like an order of magnitude more power-hungry?