Great demo, Paul. Unclear on a couple of things... basically how Dimension Strings works with VI Pro and MIR? In places, the demo actually sounds 'real'... first time I can honestly say that about a chamber orch. sample lib (with all due respect to Chamber Strings, of course.)
1. I assume you VI Pro is a -requirement-, correct? You can't do the divisis without it, right? For example, the 4/2 and 2/4 patches won't work without VI Pro, right?
2. Is MIR also a practical requirement? It -seems- like MIR is what handles the 'placement' of the players, right? Put another way, what in that demo is -requires- MIR?
3. (actually a request)... If you can keep the offer until Nov 1, I'd sure appreciate it... mainly because that's when I get paid. :D
4. A small comment. I very much like the sound of the Konzerthaus -however- maybe it's just me, but the demos always seem a bit too 'wet'. My -theory-,,, and it may be more than a little half-baked... is that all reverbs (and sample libs) should be recorded in a -full- theatre---ie. with all the people in the seats. I always feel like sample libs and 'verbs sound like the house is way too -empty-. I'm only being half-facetious in suggesting that you get like 500 mannequins for the recording sessions. :D