Dear VSL, to whom it may concern:
I adore your products, they are the very best! And, I'm sure you are all good people.
BUT, your web site is really really bad. It is difficult to navigate,
very hard to understand, and what's worst of all, your online purchasing
system has always been a very problematic and frustrating experience
for me.
I am appealing to you to take some of that money you are raking in and
spend it on a good, user friendly and "purchasing friendly" web site
that your customers can understand and use easily without all the problems.
I have spent the last three hours of my morning trying to purchase the
upright bass and jazz drums, which I sorely need to work on some
projects. Three hours TOTALLY wasted trying to spend my money on your
web site. This is almost insulting to me.
I have been a web designer, and I know how difficult it can be to create
and maintain a web site like yours. But, you should realize that the
kind of problems I have experienced with The VSL site, are the kind of
things that on most web sites cause them to "lose" business. It happens
all the time.
Granted, VSL has a "monopoly" on it's incredible and outstanding product
line, so people are forced to go through the painful and difficult
process of purchasing on line. But you must be losing some business. You
have almost lost mine.
So, please, please, please, wont you give some serious consideration to
spending the money and have a state of the art , professionally designed
web site built to replace this old dinosaur of a site? I'm sure it
would make your current and future customers very very happy!
yours in faith,
James Schlesselman
open letter