I purchased the Vienna Special Ed Bundle (1, 1+, 2, 2+, 3, 4) and went through the registrtion process with no problems. I can also run the ViennaInstrument Installer and get a Folder with the Content Installer in my Applications. But, runnin the Content Installer and choosing the package.info gives me a message that the .info is damaged. Can I please quickly get this File somewhere else as the one on my purchased USBStick seems to be damaged!
Damaged Package.info and Installer File on VSL USB Stick
Trying to install from Original VSL USB Stick. Contains Sample Data and Installer Packs
yea its a really big usb stick:) Did that copying, now i can Install all the single packages, the overall installer still seems to be broke. means that i m gonna need a lot of time to go through installation i guess. thanks anyway