As I've ranted a lot here, my big frustration with VEP is having to dedicate a display to VEP because it doesn't run inside Cubase in Windows. So I lose track of keyswitches. It may just be coincidence, but I was about to write this when I saw the post about the iPad app.
Maybe that's the way to go, but perhaps there is another way to skin the cat.
Is there a way to put add a -dedicated- keypad or keyboard or -some- device to my computer which I could use to control VEP and VI Pro but would be ignored by Cubase?
I imagine like one of those 10 key USB pads. I could use it to select instruments in VEP and then activate keyswitches without having to leave Cubase as my active 'window'.
If I could 'control' VEP and VI indepently of working in Cubase I would be REALLY HAPPY. But all the MIDI devices I've seen seem to be 'global'... ie... they send their 'signal' only to the currently active program.