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  • Retina Macbook Pro with Ethernet Adaptor

    I just purchased the new Retina Macbook Pro for my 'other job' in web design.

    It's so fast I thought it would be great for my music projects too.

    I'm having problems with audio dropouts though, not pops or clicks, just slience about once every minute or so. The laptop or slave computer are barley registering CPU load so it's not processing power.

    So I wondered, is there something wrong with the implementaion of the Thunderbolt to Ethernet Adaptor when it comes to audio?

    I've tested my setup with Logic 9 and Cubase 6 with the same results. My old iMac using a native Ethernet connection doesn’t' have the same problem, which leads me to believe it could be thunderbolt/the adaptor.

    I've noticed a couple of posts with issues but has anyone done any more detailed research?

    As a second question. I currently use a slave PC with VEP to process all of my sample libraries. Is using SSD's any better or worse (using VEP on the Mac) than a slave PC?

  • First thing to check; have you switched off WiFi?


  • Yep. I spent the weekend trying all the usual suspects.

    At first the Ethernet didn't want to work at all and was very untstable. That was fixed and while it works most of the time, it just doesn't seem to have the power that the regular Ethernet connection has.

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    @jon_wright said:

    As a second question. I currently use a slave PC with VEP to process all of my sample libraries. Is using SSD's any better or worse (using VEP on the Mac) than a slave PC?


    Not sure I understand this part of your question???

    But SSD's used for samples on the slave sounds best to me.

    UNLESS the slave is considerably weaker than the master, in that case you may want to swap them if you can.

  • I've tested it, but not for an extended period. What I found is that the speed is good enough, and I didn't get dropouts. The upside to what your describing, is that apparently it's performance is good for around 60 seconds continuously. If this is the case, the use of this adapter will most likely be adequate, if they ever where to release a fix (assuming there's an issue with it, and not just with your setup)

  • can you give more details about how you have cable and the parameters in "Network"

  • Thanks for your replies guys.

    Well, it appears to have fixed itself. Which is bizarre as it hasn't worked for 3 weeks since I started using the laptop!

    I continued testing yesterday afternoon and began to get terrible CPU spikes as well as dropouts. I gave up for the evening, came back this morning and everything is working for the first time without a hitch. Nothing changed (nothing that I physically did anyway).

    So I'm very happy it's working now and hope it continues but I have no idea why it is!

  • Quick update.

    I *think* I've found the cause.

    It began happening again on a new project, once I set all instances to decoupled the problems vanished. No more audio dropouts or processor spikes.