Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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In the past 24 hours, we have 2 new thread(s), 6 new post(s) and 32 new user(s).

  • Why not just RDP to your main system from you iPad?

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • Yep, i try air display, and v- window on v-control pro, but i'm not really satisfy with bot of them, some latency and it's not very practical because the software interface aren't made for ipad control. done very good lemur templates for Lass or Symphobia, but unfornatly, not for vsl.

  • I plan to write a piece for a "real orchestra" vs a "VSL orchestra", control by keyboard players, and for that, i want to have a way for each keyboard player to control VI pro with an Ipad. That's it !

  • You should check into the Lemur app for iPad.  I use a Lemur though, which has a larger display.  It will do the trick most definitely.

  • I have it,, wonderful app, but not in my abilities to make a VIpro 2 template for Lemur...

  •  Dear community,

    I got the GO from our developers to inform you that we are in the final developement stage of an IPad app controller for VI PRO.

    (it will also be compatible with any other Pads)

    We have no release date so far, but anybody who is interested in testing can post here and will be supported with a beta when we are ready for testing.

    The general good news for this new product: it will be free for all registered VI PRO users!



  • Herb,

    I stand corrected. Can't wait to see the VSL approach to a VI PRO (iPad) control surface. [H]

    Sign me up for Beta Testing please.

  • Oh my god ! Oh my god ! Oh my god ! Very interested to be a beta tester Thank you ! VSL, i love you !

  • I would be also interested in beta testing

  • Hi ! Please sign me in for beta testing. Thanks in advance !

  • I'd love to beta test the iPad app. I was already building one from Lemur...

  • I'm interested in Beta Testing for you.  I have an iPad (3), and have used an iPad for DAW control since they first started coming out.

  • I'm interested in Beta Testing too


  • I too would LOVE to beta test this!

  • I would be also interested in beta testing!

  • Me too ! Please add me to the beta test...

  • Oh God, I'm speechless! I would love to try out the beta. Thanks so much VSL. ... So when shall we expect to try the beta?! Can't wait :)

  • WOWSA... SIGN ME UP!!!!

    Will there be an Android version? I had a chance to try a beta Galaxy Nexus... which is like a Kindle form factor (which I like better---more compact.) I would buy one tomorrow if VSL had an app... as you know there are almost zero Android DAW-related apps.

    QUESTION: When you say it's meant for VI Pro, don't you really mean Vienna Ensemble? I mean, most of us are, I assume, running multiple VI's within VEP. My biggest ongoing frustration with VSL is having to dedicate a display to VEP so I can see what's going on. But if I could run the entire orchestra (VEP) from my 'pad', PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! But if I still have to switch active VI's from my display that's not as big a help.



  • Very interested please contact me.


  • Hi guys, 

    Thanks for your feedback, you´re all on the list of course. 

    Also, thanks for your patience!

    The good thing about this little extra-time is that you´ll get a pretty solid beta to test [:)]



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL