Another probably moron question, but VSL doesn't respond to Cubase Note Expression, right?
If not, is it still helpful to use Note Expression vs. controller lanes for keyswitches? One of the main griefs I have is that when I'm working on a MIDI track in Cubase, if move back a couple of bars to listen, it might play the wrong articulation. I call this 'chase failure' because Cubase is playing the correct -notes- but not the correct articulation because it doesn't 'chase back' to where the initial keyswitch/controller events are.I know Cubase has several Preferences for this, but I've found them kinda hit or miss.
Anyhoo, I'm wondering if using Note Expression helps with this... ie. helping to to 'lock' the correct articulations with the notes. The Cubase manual implies that this might be the case even for VSTis that do -not- support Note Expression.