Hi William,
First of all, thank you for taking the time to critique my performance. I'm not sure what is happening with the horns.... my thoughts are that I might need to adjust the velocity curves I have set up in VI-Pro. I may have too much strong of velocity as compared to the actual volume in places. I will have to experiment with that some more.
I own two professional recordings of the symphony. The first one is the original one I feel in love with. It is an LP of "The Little Orchestra of London" conducted by Leslie Jones. The second is a recent purchase by "Nicolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia" conducted by Bela Drahos. It's amazing the differences between the two performance styles. The horns in Jones's version or more mellow compared to Drahos's brassy and punchy style. I tried to use the best of both versions, trying to find middle-ground with the horns.
I'm using dimension horns 1,2,3, & 4, each having a different timbre and texture which I believe is a good thing but maybe one or two of them are sticking out more. Also the venue may be playing into the problem. I'm using GrosserSaal but may need to switch to MozartSaal to gain a little more intimacy which may correct what we are hearing with the horns. In the beginning, I found myself switching between the two venues and finally settling on GrosserSaal. I may have made the wrong choice here. I'm going to re-work the piece using MozartSall and when finished, post it for a re-listen to see if the changes improve the horn texture. Again William, thanks for listening and providing comments. Your thoughts are very valuable to me.