I got the new Macbook Pro Retina.
My idea was to use it as a VEP slave linked to my old iMac 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo with 4 GB RAM.
I downloaded the demo of Vienna Ensemble Pro 5.
VEP Server connects well but I can not work:
1) If I try a simple pizzicato line (even with only 1 instance, and just with LASS 2 Violas PIZZ in VEP5) some notes don't sound (Logic: In cycle mode, every time is a random note). Memory problem?? Transmission problem? (Thunderbolt+Apple Ethernet adapter)
2) After a few Cycles I get an error message in Logic. Something like "Sample rate doesn't fit, Some samples are 41,031Hz)
Please, I would appreciate any help
VEP5 problem in my new Macbook Retina
I mean, for example, an i-Mini (thunderbolt) and i-Mac (thunderbolt) linked together with a thunderbolt cable. Mi iMac has no thunderbolt connection (old version), so I had to use the Apple Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter. So, I don't know if the problem is the Apple adapter or the problem is VEP when used with thunderbolt (though I don't see why)
Thanks for your answers. Several other forums agree with you. Somehow the adapter or the current drivers (http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1544) are not working properly. That is a serious drawback. I always spend 1 month away from my studio, so one of my computers is a macbook and the 16GB RAM of the new Retina was very appealing to use it the rest of the year as a VEP Slave. Thanks so much for your support Very Best