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  • Luckily you found it... I was close to belive in witchcraft and wizardry  [;)]

    Much fun and success


  • thx u :) damn this software is simply incredible.... once it's launched.... :) Sylvain

  • I'm glad the issue was solved, but a variation of this problem remains for me. My host is a Mac Pro running Snow Leopard and Logic. The slave machine is a new Mac Mini Server running Lion. All versions of VEPro are the same. When I load VEPro into Logic, it won't display any instances from the Mini Server. If I manually establish a connection, it works fine, but obviously is a pain and extra work, especially when starting new projects. Both machines are on static IP addresses, etc. I've tried 64 and 32 bit variations: neither will display instances. If I run VEPro Server within the host Mac, the plug-in will see those "internal" instances.

    Any suggestions? Thanks.

  • Hi, did you try turning off all wifi devices, for some reason this can get in the way of instance broadcasting, but will still let you manually connect.

  • on the Macmini you must set it 1st with "using DHCP", note all the figures and set it to "manually" and key all the values you have noted [:)]

  • Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I had turned wifi off on both machines, and it didn't fix the issue.

  • Thank you: I tried this, but it doesn't fix the issue. I can still manually connect to the new IP address, though.

  • What are the IP of the master and the slave ?

  • Mac Pro (master) is

    Mac Mini (slave) is

  • If you connect your Macmini direcly on the Macpro and you follow what I have suggest you to do, your Macpro will be on the same network than your router (usaly it is 192.168.xx.xx), and your Macmini will be on a different network number

    This is what is happening when I connect my two Macpro

  • Thanks for hanging in there with me. These machines have always been on a separate wired network (I use wifi for internet), with a dedicated Ethernet switch for them and an additional PC. So - no "household" router is in use for these machines.

    Are you thinking there is something wrong about my Mini IP address setting?

  • I have told you :

    on the Macmini you must set it 1st with "using DHCP", note all the figures and set it to "manually" and key all the values you have noted Smile

  • Yes - I did exactly that yesterday, but it didn't work. I then reverted back to my original manual IP address because I am in the middle of a project where the Logic file needs the original IP address in order to reload a preserved VEP instance.

  • It looks like I've finally figured out the problem. In the Mac Pro's Audio MIDI Setup app, I had an enabled "Session" in the Network MIDI section, which I used to use in a previous multi-CPU rig. On a whim, I disabled the session, rebooted Logic and VE PRO on the Mac Mini, and the instances now publish to the Mac Pro. A good troubleshooting day...