Hi All,
any help much appreciated.
I'm using the above software (in title).
I've set up vienna ensemble running though logic, as I haven't had time to use a keyboard, this is how i've set it up:
I'm using a multi timbral 16 input virtual instrument in logic, to add a string accompaniment in midi over a track i already wrote for piano which is down in logic as an audio file.
I've been writing in a manner i'm sure is ridiculously inefficient and perhaps stems from not understanding what a keyswitch is in the context of a midi score,( or much about writing for midi anyhow); -
I use a separate vienna instrument in ensemble with a separate articulation in each midi channel, and try to synchronize them if I need to...
I can't figure out how to write in the midi so that it will play different articulations of the instrument in one channel, I can only seem to do this by playing live with a midi keyboard. If I change articulation on the vienna instruments/ensemble screen, the whole score in that channel changes to the selected articulation in logic.
second problem occurred when I first attached my keyboard today; logic does seem to record separate articulations in midi when played live (though I havent closed, saved, and re-opened to check), but I am having problems I dont understand with the keyboard.
Composing with the method above has left my Ensemble showing several instruments; among them a cello set to legato, a tremolo violin and a legato violin.
I began by trying the tremolo patch, recording my playing as I moved to legato using my pitchwheel. Fine.
Then I click to switch to the cello, and my keyboard seems to have mapped part of its keyspan to the cello, and part of it to tremolo violin. I also can't seem to play other instrument patches in spite of clicking them both in logic and VE.
Please help with this!
Midi Keyboard Issues - Using Vienna Ensemble, Solo Strings SE, Logic Pro 9, M Audio Keystation...
Make sure that each instrument/channel in Vienna Ensemble is assigned to only 1 MIDI Channel (on top of the Channel).
This is also described in the Vienna Ensemble Manual, page 14, "Channel Overview".
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
if you press the key assigned to switch the matrix it is. you must have the keyswitches out of the range of the instrument you're using.@dlitt said:
Also,could anyone tell me whether the keyswitch articulations mean that a seperate matrix is triggered by every press of a certain musical keyboard key? ---im not surethis is my problem