Say I wanted to do a two note slur, usually in the strings, and get a fairly subtle, not-too-loud result. I find the only thing that seems to work is to put the keyswitch for the portamento at the end of the note to begin the slide. But it apparently needs to last through the second note. In which case there is no matching attack on the second note which is usually too soft.
I'm aware that you can edit the loudness of the portamento though I don't understand completely how to set it up in the keyswitch area of the patch. I especially don't understand the #2 area since the options are not available the way I have it. (I assume you have to set up the AB switch.) I'm also ignorant about the crossfades if that's what it takes. In which case I'd ask how you set up these crossfades in the midi file or piano roll window of Logic 9.
Though I've made a lot of progress in the VSL samples, I still have a long way to go.