first, thank you for fixing automation with ableton live! Finally playback of automation via VEPro5 in Live works without the "back to arrangement" button lighting, rendering automation playback undoable! Thank you!
However, I notice a strange behaviour, and I don't know, what or who to blame here:
Automation of VEPro5 via Automap within Live 8 only works, when the VEPro5 GUI is open...
steps to repro:
1) new Live project
2) insert VEPro5 into a MIDI track, connect to a VEPro5 instance (I used a x64 instance)
3) in the VEPro instance add a plugin track (I used steinbergs Model-E)
4) create an automation link in the automation mapping window (I used Parameter #1 <-> Model-E: Tune parameter)
5) back in ableton, hit "configure" to configure the available parameters of the VSTi. Click/Drag the Tune parameter in the Model-E GUI in the VEPro instance: -> the parameter then is show in ableton
6) close the VEPro plugin GUI in ableton, and choose the client "Model-E" on the automap controller, dial the knob linked to the Tune parameter: -> the parameter in abelton moves accordingly, as is the tune dial in the Model-E GUI in the VEPro instance.
7) make sure the VEPro GUI is still closed in ableton, then choose the client "VEPro" on the automap controller, dial the knob linked to the parameter #1: -> the parameter in abelton and the dial in the Model-E GUI in the VEPRO instance DO NOT MOVE!
8) open the VEPro plugin GUI in ableton, choose the client "VEPro" on the automap controller (if not chosen already), dial the knob linked to the parameter #1: -> the parameter in abelton and the dial in the Model-E GUI in the VEPRO instance move accordingly
Thus, automap works with plugins in the VEpro instance.
automap works with plugins in ableton live.
However, automapping the VEPro plugin in ableton live only works, when the plugin GUI is open...
(in other hosts - Cubase 6.5.1, Sonar X1d, Reaper - it always works, with the VEPro plugin open, or closed, doesn't matter)
However, I notice a strange behaviour, and I don't know, what or who to blame here:
Automation of VEPro5 via Automap within Live 8 only works, when the VEPro5 GUI is open...
steps to repro:
1) new Live project
2) insert VEPro5 into a MIDI track, connect to a VEPro5 instance (I used a x64 instance)
3) in the VEPro instance add a plugin track (I used steinbergs Model-E)
4) create an automation link in the automation mapping window (I used Parameter #1 <-> Model-E: Tune parameter)
5) back in ableton, hit "configure" to configure the available parameters of the VSTi. Click/Drag the Tune parameter in the Model-E GUI in the VEPro instance: -> the parameter then is show in ableton
6) close the VEPro plugin GUI in ableton, and choose the client "Model-E" on the automap controller, dial the knob linked to the Tune parameter: -> the parameter in abelton moves accordingly, as is the tune dial in the Model-E GUI in the VEPro instance.
7) make sure the VEPro GUI is still closed in ableton, then choose the client "VEPro" on the automap controller, dial the knob linked to the parameter #1: -> the parameter in abelton and the dial in the Model-E GUI in the VEPRO instance DO NOT MOVE!
8) open the VEPro plugin GUI in ableton, choose the client "VEPro" on the automap controller (if not chosen already), dial the knob linked to the parameter #1: -> the parameter in abelton and the dial in the Model-E GUI in the VEPRO instance move accordingly
Thus, automap works with plugins in the VEpro instance.
automap works with plugins in ableton live.
However, automapping the VEPro plugin in ableton live only works, when the plugin GUI is open...
(in other hosts - Cubase 6.5.1, Sonar X1d, Reaper - it always works, with the VEPro plugin open, or closed, doesn't matter)