@ William & Goran
Please excuse me for being absent in this conversation, but I'm really short of time now and couldn't post before.
First of all, I think it goes without saying that I have the greatest respect and admiration for your experience and expertise, both as musicians and as VSL masters, as this is evident for anyone listening to your work. Rest assured, I value your opinions accordingly. In fact, it's the quality of productions like yours which "pushed" me to buy VSL products, and, consequently, they are the "standards" I'm now trying to follow.
So, as someone who is "short of time almost by default" (^_^), I really appreciate your taking time to comment on my exercises, and thank you very much again for it. I couldn't emphasize enough how helpful this is for me, so please be sure your time is not wasted.
I just wanted to say I'm not really interested in seeing who is "right" or "wrong" here, but just in knowing your points of view, no matter how radically different they might be. You know, as a pianist I'm used to this: I give a concert, a critic says it was a passionate, lyrical performance, other says it was a cool, analytic rendering. My playing was a fact each one heard according to his own perspective, maximizing certain aspects, and minimizing or just overlooking others. With the time (and all the perplexing paradoxes I could witness), I was inclined to think a critic reveals more about himself than about the fact being critizised. Now I'd say is fifty-fifty... (^_^), and what's wonderful is that each 50% is interesting for me, so asking for suggestions is always a win-win situation for me (as long as the critics are well intentioned, of course) and that's why I appreciate comments and take them always into account. Obviously, my own point of view is bound to be partial and closer to some opinions, so when I finally have to make decissions it may seem that I'm ignoring some suggestions when in fact I'm not.
In any case, I'm sure your differences here aren't stopping anybody to see the inherent value in your distinct, personal approaches to music production.
For my part, I couldn't but thank you for your participation in this Rozsa thread. Really interesting to follow.