I'm little bit cunfused by legato samples and their using. What exactly does this mean?
Lets says Strings. On the viollin, if I'm playing legato notes, I play the same bow - not changing up and down. If I have two slurged notes, I play them with same direct (up/down). How to do this in the library? Shuld I place legato articulation befor the first note? It has no sense, because I can make different articulation on first note too (Sfz, or fp, for example). And legato is about the fact, how to merge two notes. So if I set legato before the first note, I can't set articulation for this first note.
OK, so, shuld I use legato articulation switching before the second note? Will this sound as legato? And there is very same problem with articulation of the second note too. What if this second note shuld be short (staccato), or flagoleto (harm)? How to solve this?
I can make layer of different samples, but if I use this, there is twice more played musicians at the moment, right?
Can you explain this to me, please?
I'm sending concrete piece of music, here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6UNH59lz50nNU05eG5yaDU0b2M
Which articulation (Keyswitch) do you use for these notes? First note it staccato, second is legato, then staccato, legato, staccato? This is first bar. There is repetition 3-times. And the last bar: 4-times legato, sustain, 3-times legato?
All the best, Martin