I'm new to the world of Vienna Instruments. Just installed VE Pro. When installing libraries, such as the Epic Orchestra, where is the recommended destination? I have one internal drive for Applications, Library, Users, etc and another internal drive for Pro Tools sessions only. I'm only using one computer, not a multi-computer master-slave setup.
Recommended Destination For Library Files
Welcome Roger [:)],
We recommend a separate drive for best performance. With a small collection like Epic Orchestra I'd simply install the content on your Pro Tools Session drive - or get a fast (7200 rpm) external drive, best Firewire or eSATA (USB is the slowest protocol).
You can always give it a try and change the location later on as well.
Simply assign the new samples in the Directory Manager again:
More information about how the Directory Manager works can be found here.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support