I started reading the manual to VI Pro, but there is one thing I just don't get. I am running everything on one machine, do I actually need to riu VI Pro? It seems to be for networking over a LAN.
I am on a plane rght now and cannot download the video, but it might answer my question. Does it take the place of your DAW sofftware (sequencer, Sonar Pro in my case.) So far the manual keeps talking aobut servers and slave machines. I just don't understand why it is needed on a single machine. I know it is neccesary for running MIR Pro, which is what I am really interested in, but I just dont get what VI Pro is for. It seems to do everything that my sequencing software already does. Why can't you just plugin MIT Pro and use its features direcdtly?
As I said, maybe the video will better explain this, but I don't have access unti i land in 6 hours!
Paul....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! [:)]