Hello everybody. I've recently purchased the Bass Clarinet and the Vienna Key and I'm so far impressed how natural it sounds. But I can't get to work articulations in Sibelius. Perhaps I've used a wrong file. Here's what I did:
- I put "Sound Set Vienna Ensemble Woodwinds + Brass (Sibelius 5.2 or higher)" in the right place.
- Same with "Vienna Symphonic Library House Style (Sibelius 6 or higher)".
- I created a new Score in Sibelius, and choose "Bass Clarinet in Bb" as Instrument.
- I choose "Vienna Symphonic Library" as House Style.
- I went to "Playback Devices", activate VSL VST.
- I choose the "VE Woodwinds + Brass" Sound Set.
- I've activated "Use manual sound set".
- I choose "Bass Clarinet" as Program.
- Then I opened the VSL Interface and double-clicked "BKL VSL Preset Level 1" (or 2 ... Question: Does Level 2 include Level 1?)
So that's what I've done, but articulations doesn't work. It's all legato. Except the last time I opened Sib, if I wrote "tremolo" or add a trill, it was staccato ...
Best Regards!
Edit: For some reason, my text is unformatted!?
Sibelius 6.2 and Bass Clarinet Download Instrument - Beginner's Problem/Question
Hello finnissy!
Please load the preset "D52 Bass Clarinet Ext" that came with the "Woodwinds + Brass" sound set. Then the automatic articulation changes should work.
You have to copy the VI presets to your "VSL Custom Data" folder first, before you can open them.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Thanks a lot! Perhaps the mistake I made was to put the "Woodwinds + Brass VI Presets for Sibelius"-Folder inside "VSL Custom Data", instead of the folders inside. It works now! Just another question ... how does glissandi work? I've tried with writing "gliss." and the glissando-line. But the only effect is legato. Thanks again, finnissy
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