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  • WHY WHY WHY does VIs registratoin and activation have ti be so complex?

    I bought VI Pro and MIR Pro a week ago and still cannot getit working. I can't even get activation dcoes for the room packs!

    Ijust want to mke music, not spend my time trying to get thingson to my computer!

    Surely there must be an easier way, no?

    I love VI products, but I hate the registration/activation process!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Hi Michael,

    Of course all processes can (and hopefully will be) improved, but if you ask "Why", the answer is: To make sure that we can keep on working. If there is no working registration and copy protection, we will be out of business.

    What surprises me: You have registered MANY VSL products already, starting in 2003 - what is different this time?

    I have also just answered your question you wrote to support. The Konzerthaus Roompacks are available here, and you donĀ“t need a separate license for it (itĀ“s included with your MIR PRO license).

    Have a great sunday!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  •  The konzerthaus roompacks updated?  I totally missed that closely guarded secret.

    What is different with the r275 version over the r259 I am using?

    Also noticed that the Mystic Spaces has gone to r119 rather my r114, what's the difference there too.

  •  What do you find complex?  It's all very straight forward.

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • What surprises me: You have registered MANY VSL products already, starting in 2003 - what is different this time?

    I have also just answered your question you wrote to support. The Konzerthaus Roompacks are available here, and you donĀ“t need a separate license for it (itĀ“s included with your MIR PRO license).





    Yes, I have bought quite a lot of VI stuff in the last 9 years and it has made my music making career much easier and far more profitable than it was before, and I thank you for that!.

    This time the process was needlessly cumbersome.  I bought MIR Pro and VE Pro and Vienna Imperial from ADK Pro audio,  They never sent me the serial numbers - that was their fault.  I wrote to you about it and you said that everything had already been registered.  Then you said I should have received activation codes on March 5th - that was not even possible as I had not made the purchase until March 22nd.   Regardless, I never did receive the activation codes.  You suggested that perhaps they went into my spam folder, but I searched all folders and had received nothing.  You then sent me the activation codes.  The whole process took much longer than I anticipated and was frustrating.

    Please do not misinterpret my complaint here for a general complaint about VI.  I think you make the best samples and sample related software in the business and I have the utmost respect for your work.  I also have had a good relationship with you, Paul, as you have most often been the one to write to me with solutions and I appreciate that.
    The issue I had last night with the roompacks was that I was not aware that they did not need activation and were part of MIR Pro already.  Why not just have them download automatically with VE/MIR if they a re part of it?  It did not say on the web page that I would not need to register and activate them, so I wasted more time searching for an answer to that.

    While we're talking about roompacks I have another question.  I also downloaded the "MIR Trial RoomPack 2.0.275."  How long is that good for and what is actually included in it?  I am not sure what that download really was.  TYhe only rooms I see when I open the venues are : Konzerthaus: Foyer, Grosser Saal, Grosser Saal Stage, Mozartsaal,  Neuersaal, and Schubertsaal.  I thought those were the basics that came with MIR Pro anyway, so what should the "Trial RoomPack" include and why did it not show up?

    I also have a lot of questions regarding the use of VE Pro, but that's for another post.

    Paul, thank you again for your quick response and please excuse my frustration.  I just want to make music!   :-)

    Keep up the good work -I want you to stay in business for the next 1,000 years!

    Mike Coyle

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    @Bill said:

     What do you find complex?  It's all very straight forward.

    Often it is, Bill, but this time was a drag.  The learning curve for MIR and VE Pro is enough to deal with.  I was just getting frustrated with all the reg and activation stuff that I was going through this time.


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    Hi Michael, 

    Thanks for the explanation. IĀ“ll try to answer your questions: 

    @Another User said:

    While we're talking about roompacks I have another question.  I also downloaded the "MIR Trial RoomPack 2.0.275."  How long is that good for and what is actually included in it?  I am not sure what that download really was.  TYhe only rooms I see when I open the venues are : Konzerthaus: Foyer, Grosser Saal, Grosser Saal Stage, Mozartsaal,  Neuersaal, and Schubertsaal.  I thought those were the basics that came with MIR Pro anyway, so what should the "Trial RoomPack" include and why did it not show up?

    The Trial Roompack simply installs the Mozartsaal and is meant to give you a smaller download to check out what MIR PRO can do. For all MIR PRO demo license users, we have now also added the full Konzerthaus to check out [:)]



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Another User said:

    Also noticed that the Mystic Spaces has gone to r119 rather my r114, what's the difference there too.


     Same here - only one issue might be relevant: We re-added the stage-version of Steinhofkirche for compatibility with non-pro Vienna MIR. The stage-version was removed with r112.

    Best regards, Florian