This concerns the entire folder "10 PERF INTERVAL" of the Violins. When we play a new note from another (and then trigger legato technique), for some transitions there's a disturbing sound, exactly like if the legato sample volume was too high comparing to the note sample.
Better than trying to explain it further, an audio example (patch 4 lay, monophonic legato, velocity 127) : http://www.mediafire.com/?0nrgpbn761bkn81
It's notably more obvious on the following transitions :
- A2 -> B2
- E3 -> B3
- B3 -> A3
- A3 -> B3 - etc...
... and really annoying for patches 02 (4 lays), 03 (progressive vibrato) and 04 (strong vibrato).
I just want to know if it's normal and if there's a trick to get rid of it. Thank you.
P.S. : If someone knows why there's no carrier return in my messages, would be valuable... that's strange...