Without VIPro2 I guess the easiest way to do it would be to load simultaneous matrices (Vienna Instruments) into one instance of Vienna Ensemble. Then program the MIDI (percussion part) into one midi track. Then go back to Vienna Ensemble and pan each Vienna Instrument (matrix) in the Vienna Ensemble mixer Master Bus view.
Now decide how many panning placements you want to make in your mix. Then go back into your sequencer and make how ever many copies of that master MIDI percussion track that you want different placements in the mix. Then delete the notes you don't want in each copied track of the original. Rout each track to the different Vienna Instrument matrix in Vienna Ensemble and there you go. Clear as mud?
I guess my point is, I think it's easier to do this through Vienna Ensemble than it is with multiple instances of Vienna Instruments.
Hello Beat,
I'll be in Zurich next month visiting some in-laws. I'm looking forward to a little down time in your beautiful country.