As Cyril said, things are not clear. If you mean that you are trying to route the old project that used the older VI/MIR software through the new VE Pro 5/MIR Pro software, that will cause a problem. Unfortunately, as VSL staff members have mentioned, the old software is not compatible with the new software, and, IIRC, the new MIR Pro software requires building new templates (I have not upgraded yet from MIR SE to MIR 24).
Cyril & Noldart
Thanks for your replies.
Maybe I did not explain what I need so I have attempted to convey what I need below. I am asking this question because the Vienna Ensemble Pro Manual is a bit confusing. It would be greatly enhanced if step by step examples were included on how you can create various templates for starting new projects and adapting old ones.
As stated in my original posting I was using a G5 Mac with the symphonic cube to create a number of orchestral pieces using the cube samples with Logic 8.02. Due to the limitations of the G5 with 6GB of RAM and Logic 8 I was not able to load a full orchestra of samples into about 80 odd logic intrument tracks simultaneously. To overcome this restriction I loaded just the string samples that I required for Violins 1 & 2, Violas, Celli and Double Basses and recorded audio tracks for the strings. Then I repeated the process for woodwinds, brass and percusion recording approximately 80 audio tracks for the whole piece of music. This was achieved using Logic Instrument tracks with Vienna Instrument AU plug in. I did not use Vienna Ensemble (VE) or VE Pro. The post production was done with Altiverb and Vienna Suite.
I would like to improve the sound quality of the existing recorded audio tracks by using MIR Pro.
So how do you route the prerecorded audio tracks into VE Pro 5 so that I can use MIR Pro to improve the sound quality of these audio tracks.
Thanks for your help.
First ensure that you are connected to a VE Pro 5 server.
In the tracks with your audio, you need to instantiate VE Pro Audio Input as an effect. then you get the server window where you select the instance and the channel you like for that instance of VE Pro. In VE Pro, you need to instantiate an Audio Input, the microphone icon, and select the channel corresponding with your choice earlier as that channel's input. You can insert MIR Pro there or send to another channel strip with it inserted, depending on your idea. There is the option of automatically adding MIR to each new channel as well.
I could not send it to you by mail, it is too big.
Try to get it on my server at
I had problem with my server today tell me if the transfer is OK
I have add a little manual for the tutorial.
in the project there is :
2 x Event input track
2 x IAC tracks
1 x audio drum track
2 x EXS 24 tracks (one going directly and one going thru Bus 1
1 x EVP 88 track
I hope it is more clear
@mirabile said:
Thanks for setting up the tutorial and the template. However, I could not access your server.
look forward to be able to use the info. you have created.
Sorry there was an error in the link try :
I have downloaded the file and I am trying to understand how you have put it all together. I would like to point out I do not have a surround sound system and therefore I do not think that this tutorial is relevent to my setup.
Thanks for your help.
Maybe if you could contact me by email and we could discuss this further.
you can use the song as it is (just set your surround speakers to the same speakers in Logic's pref)
You just need to set the song to stereo instead of 5.1 ! (it is in the song pref in Logic)
then you convert the VSL template to stereo and you load it in the VSL server !
after you need to re-attach the vsl au in Logic
Is you do not manage I can sent you this template in stereo, it take 5 minutes do do it !
We can have an Ichat session, my Ichat name is cyrillindablanc
Where do you leave ? I leave in Paris so I am on GMT + 1