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  • VEP5 feature request

    Hi VSL Team, First I like to thank you for the wonderful VEP 5 with the last update. I like to suggest some extra features,that IMO will make VEP 5 better. have a command to add multiple VIP2 instruments,in channel strip,instead of clicking multiple time( most of the time I need more than10 VIP2 in 1 VEP 5 instance have a command to change VIP2 cell content ( like right click or alt click), to choose patch from patch list from a popups window ( showing licensed patch) have command to change vertical cell row in VIP2,specially in sequencer. similar like #2 4,to have MIR Pro automatically place the instruments (after naming the instrument in MIR Pro GUI) in the orchestra position ,to save time finding and placing instrument in the chosen room or hall. Thank you for your attention, regards, Willy

  • Hi Willy,

    Thanks for your suggestions!

    ad 1: Using the right-click context menu in VE Pro you will see the options to save and load so-called "Channel Sets". This feature allows you to add groups of pre-configured channels to VE Pro and MIR Pro.

    ad 4: I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly, but again the "Channel Set" and the "Channel Preset" features might be exactly what you're looking for. :-)

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz, Thank you for your speedy response Re #1 I never save as channel sets,thank you for this suggestion. but if I want to built a new ones, I have to do a lot of click to add VIPro channels. the question was, to "add multiple VIPros" ,instead of just "add one VIPro" (Command N) in the channel strip. (sorry for my poor english)., Re #4 In vienna MIR Pro Tab, as we rename a VIPro channel from "99cCardioid" (for example) to any instrument Name from the list (String,Brass or winds etc),is it possible to place the instrument automatically on the orchestra position in the chosen venue .not only on the left side of the venue ? I hope,I have made the question clear enough for you, Thank you for your attention and help Regards Willy

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    @Another User said:

    Re #4 In vienna MIR Pro Tab, as we rename a VIPro channel from "99cCardioid" (for example) to any instrument Name from the list (String,Brass or winds etc),is it possible to place the instrument automatically on the orchestra position in the chosen venue .not only on the left side of the venue ?

    I hope,I have made the question clear enough for you,

    Thank you for your attention and help



    There are no "absolute positions" for any instrument or ensemble. The actual settings will always depend on the chosen Venue, the arrangement, and of course your personal preferences. In fact this flexibility is one of MIR's beauties, if you ask me.

    Once you found a setup you like, you can always save a single channel with all its settings as a Channel Preset and recall it whenever you need it. The same is true for a combination of instruments (e.g. VI Orchestral Violins with one Solo Violin in front of them) - then you would reach for a Channel Set.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thanks Dietz.

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    @Another User said:

    Re #4 In vienna MIR Pro Tab, as we rename a VIPro channel from "99cCardioid" (for example) to any instrument Name from the list (String,Brass or winds etc),is it possible to place the instrument automatically on the orchestra position in the chosen venue .not only on the left side of the venue ?

    I hope,I have made the question clear enough for you,

    Thank you for your attention and help



    There are no "absolute positions" for any instrument or ensemble. The actual settings will always depend on the chosen Venue, the arrangement, and of course your personal preferences. In fact this flexibility is one of MIR's beauties, if you ask me.

    Once you found a setup you like, you can always save a single channel with all its settings as a Channel Preset and recall it whenever you need it. The same is true for a combination of instruments (e.g. VI Orchestral Violins with one Solo Violin in front of them) - then you would reach for a Channel Set.


    Hi Dietz,

    isn't it what MIRx and the new upcomming  MIR Pro Preset is all about? or ?

    Kind regards,


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    @Another User said:

    There are no "absolute positions" for any instrument or ensemble. The actual settings will always depend on the chosen Venue, the arrangement, and of course your personal preferences. In fact this flexibility is one of MIR's beauties, if you ask me.

    Once you found a setup you like, you can always save a single channel with all its settings as a Channel Preset and recall it whenever you need it. The same is true for a combination of instruments (e.g. VI Orchestral Violins with one Solo Violin in front of them) - then you would reach for a Channel Set.


    Hi Dietz,

    isn't it what MIRx and the new upcomming  MIR Pro Preset is all about? or ?

    Kind regards,


    Well - MIRx is not about "absolute positions" 😊 ... but yes, we´ve tried to find useful settings. Sidenote: We recieved almost as many wishes for "just ONE other setup" as there are MIRx-users. ;-D

    Right now, we´re in the midst of integrating as much of MIRx´ logic and automatisms into MIR Pro as possible. Then everyone should be able to adopt these settings to his/her own preferences and needs.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz,

    how is it, that MIRx instrument position is not fixed ,can we change instrument position in MIRx?

    Looking forward to expirience a big ease in making template


    Kind Regards,


  • MIRx itself offers fixed positions only. But once you use the settings I created for MIRx in MIR Pro, you will of course be able to adapt them to any other values.

    .. as I said before: This will be part of an upcoming MIR Pro update.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library