No, you can send their output straight into VE Pro from Logic using the Audio Input plugin. Page 14 of the manual explains it rather well.
Is there a way to automate the volume of one of these channels?
On my EXS track, for exaple, there is a lot of volume automation that I need to still use.
In Logic, I can write in automation data to control the volume fader so that as the project plays, I can control the level of that part.
I would like to be able to control the volume fader in VEP in the same way. However, since the EXS is being sent into VEP through the Audio input channel, I can not figure out how to do this or if it is even possible.
Hope that is clearer, Paul.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks Paul-
But to do that, I need to assign a specific paramter to control the volume in VEP and in my Logic arrangement, if I have the Audio input instantiatied on a channel strip, I don't have any available parameters to select in the automation window.
But the event plugin can't send one of Logic's "proprietary" AU instruments into VEP.
Is thete any other way to control the volume automation of the EXS channel that is being sent into VEP?
But of course you can route the audio signal of a Logic instrument into VE PRO 5. Karel has also explained it. Simply insert an Audio Input plug-in into the instrument channel and send the signal to VE PRO 5.
I´m afraid you are running in circles there....
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Thanks Paul.
I think something is getting lost in translation.
I know you can route the audio signal of a logic instrument into VEP using the Audio input plugin. My question is if there is any way to get the volume automation data on that channel to be read by VEP so that VEP's volume fader reads it?
Hi d,
As I said: If you want to use Automation in VE PRO via Logic, simply use the Event Input Plug-in (as described in the Logic specific notes on page 35 of the VE PRO 5 Manual).
Maybe there is something lost in translation, or maybe you just want to do this in a way that is not possible, maybe I just don´t get it... whoever can explain this in a better way, feel free to chime in [:)]
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
I'm using a bus for that. Routing my EXS24 track from Output1-2 to Bus 10 (not a Bus Send). Then, I'm inserting the VEP Audio Input on the Bus 10 track.
This approach allow me to use Logic's native automation for all my EXS24's intruments (and my audio tracks too).
Hope this help.
@C.B. said:
I'm using a bus for that. Routing my EXS24 track from Output1-2 to Bus 10 (not a Bus Send). Then, I'm inserting the VEP Audio Input on the Bus 10 track.
This approach allow me to use Logic's native automation for all my EXS24's intruments (and my audio tracks too).
Hope this help.
Thank you so much, CB. That is a huge help. Such a simple and yet effective solution!