@Karel said:
Hi Karel
Thanks for your answer, I will try it next week when I return !
Is not that going to put much more stress to the computer ? say I have one VE for the string, one for the winds, one for the brass, one for the percussion and one for the rest (VSL kbd, EXS, K4, Omnisphere...)
There will be 5 x 8 audio channels (7.1) going back to Logic
Is that going to solve the "one processor used" problem in Logic ?
Comming back to IAC with MIR :
It is not a big problem not being able to use offline bouncing, just takes a little bit more time
Why do you have to return the sound back to Logic ? why cant VE send directly the sound to the outs ?
Sorry but I do not understand why you have to return the sound back to Logic, when the sound is comming back from the venue it is THE END of the process !
Why not adding a bounce in the VE pro server !! that should not be a big job and will solve the problems with Logic and will put less stress on it as it will not have to deal with the 8 audio channels (in 7.1) comming back from VE
Thank again for the great thing VSL devellopers are doing, you are one of the rare company that solves the problems quickly and listen to his users
You did not answer about VI 2.2 ???? as I undertand it is going to bring a lot of fresh air to our configuration [H]