I have a MacPro equipped with dual-quad 2.9.3GHz processors and 24GB of RAM running OS 10.6.8. (I can't remember how to change my signature so that I can correct the information there - - if anyone would like to help me with that, I'd be grateful) The way I work is to write music in Finale and play it back using a set of instruments and effects mounted in VE PRO (64 bit) with both Finale and VE PRO running on the same MacPro.
When I do this using VE PRO Server as soon as the music becomes at all complicated, there are problems with stuck or missing notes and digital artifacts. On the other hand, when I use VE PRO (64 bit) running as a standalone running on the same machine with Finale and connect them using the IAC drivers there are (so far at least) no missing or stuck notes and no digital artifacts.
The only problem with this is one of convenience - - since I have to open the particular VE PRO file associated with the piece rather having the correct VE PRO file be summoned by Finale when it opens the file for the piece.. One way around this is to use my MacBook Pro as the master in Gigabit network that connects it to the MacPro and run Finale om the MacBook Pro. This, so far at least, works but then there are potential problems with screen sharing etc. Right at the moment I'm sticking with the IAC driver arrangement. But what is interesting about this is that it suggests that there is some incompatibility between VE PRO server and Finale when they are running on the same computer and that this combination uses up computer resources in a way that does not occur when using the IAC driver. This might be a starting point for further investigation. Please note that the problems I've encountered with Finale and VE PRO server do not occur when running either Logic Studio or Digital Performer on the same MacPRO with VE PRO server. (After the piece is finished, I make a MIDI file and open it in either Logicv or Digital Performer where I attempt to create more of an expressive performance than is possible with Finale.) I'd be grateful anyone's thoughts and insights.