Title pretty much states my problem. Wonder if anyone has a solution.
If I open the ensemble window in a Nuendo project (which has been loaded as a VST instrument device, assigned a midi track) it is deactivating the Neundo active window, therefore stopping playback etc.
Loading a VI without using ensemble is fine. I cannot locate anything in the VE preferences which would help neither in the Neundo set up
for info - PC XPSP3, Neundo 5.5, VE 4.1xx, RME9652 +9632 sound cards
thank you
Vienna Ensemble - Nuendo - ensemble window stops neundo playing when active
Thanks DG for your quick response, that was the first thing I checked and its not the issue. Its not just the audio that stops, but the actual transport playback too. Nuendo becomes completely inactive when VE is open.
One thing to ask, before I pontificate: if you are already playing back, does opening the VE window stop playback? or is it that you just lose control of playback?
The reason I'm asking is that I think you're using an older version of VE, which doesn't have the transport facility in VE. Two possible solutions:
- Upgrade VE to the latest version
- Use a hardware controller for transport functions. I used to use either Faderport or Tranzport, as I have both.