Hello dear colleagues, I've spent a good deal over two hours looking for the following information with no luck. I'm at the final stage of a project and it's my first time doing my own mix and I don't quite know how to proceed:
1.- First I thought it would be easier to convert the MIDI tracks to audio tracks, which would give me the possibility of just mixing from Cubase's mixer and also the ability of taking advantage of automation. Couldn't find a way to do this in one go i.e. not having to do it one track at a time.
2.- So consequently I tried to control VEP 5 with cubase's automation. No luck there. I'm sure this was supposed to be possible with the new VEP 5 or maybe I'm just not getting it.
So my specific questions would be:
Is it easier to mix from VEP 5 or from Cubase's mixer? Mind you, I have no experience with either so both ways are new to me.
1.- If the answer is cubase, then does anybody know how to convert 23 different MIDI instruments to audio in Cubase? I've already set each instrument to a different output channel in VEP 5, I just don't know how to route it back to cubase and record it.
2.- If the answer is VEP 5, how can I automate the sliders, effects, panning from cubase?
I appreciate any help!