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  • 8 days to go

    I love my Giga VSL Perf Set (Pro ed.) and Orch Cube (Pro ed.) all bought in 2003, but time is marching on, and it's time to upgrade the studio. That means taking the giant leap forwards from Giga to VSL software. I notice there are VSL offers on (8 days to go), but the range of products is  H U G E  these days.
    I'm going to keep my Giga machine for a while longer (with its cute performance tool), but I'd like to add some of the newer VSL sounds (plus software) on to my new 24GB RAM PC to start climbing the learning curve...
    Appassionata strings look good, but how can I navigate the January 2012 deals to get something good, plus the VSL software without breaking the bank? (I'll be breaking that later on!!).  Any suggestions? Extended libraries? Sometimes spending a little more gets you so much better value....??

  • Some thoughts:

    What do you feel you most need in terms of upgrades?

    It might be, based on your comments, that the best way to go would be to make sure you spend enough to at least qualify for the first free extended library.  You could buy AP Strings I Standard, spend enough on other standard libraries (perhaps Vienna Imperial, unless you are happy with the pianos you have) to qualify, and then get AP Strings I extended for free.  Disclaimer: AP Strings I extended is not one of the more expensive extended libraries, so depending on what you decide to purchase, there might be a better extended library to choose as the free one.

    However, as you mention newer libraries, both the Vienna Imperial and AP Strings are "newer".

    Finally, given what you own, it might be worth contacting VSL sales directly to see what they might be able to work out/suggest.

  • Oh, one other thought:

    Generally, the holiday sales offer is the best offer of the year, though there usually are at least a couple of other good offers during the year.

  •  Thanks for that. I'll looking at:

    Strings bundle (extended)
    Appassionata I (standard)
    Woodwinds I (standard)

    I think this expenditure then lets me get the upgrades for Appassionata and WW I.

  • I don't think you can buy the Strings Bundle extended library without owning the standard library.  I could be wrong though.


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    @cgernaey said:

    I don't think you can buy the Strings Bundle extended library without owning the standard library.  I could be wrong though.



     I would assume that Neil meant Full, or including the Extended, because without the Standard it would make no sense.


  • Yes, by extended I meant I was extending the library. Clear as mud!