I have to say this whole is issue is VERY worrisome to me as well. I have bought lots of VSL products through the years and would have my wallet fried if the dongle broke down and I had to pay these remarkably high fees per license. Just piling all the additional cost and hassle of protection schemes on top of us paying and legit users leaves one with a bitter taste in the mouth.
Reminds me of Waves' insanely unpopular WUP scheme of yesteryear, which they changed once custormers figured out what a moneyscheme it was and enraged customers hit every music forum around with cries of boycoting. Speaking of Waves, they will be changing their protection methods to cloud and/or personal USB stick and will be getting rid of the iLok, so someone has already started smelling the coffee. Punishing paying customers with expensive and user-unfriendly copyprotection schemes will bring diminishing returns in the face of quickly growing competition on the market. The alternatives are growing fast these days.