We have a difficulty reproducing this (E.g., GUI barely takes 1-3% on my laptop, which is even older). So really it looks like there is some common factor that we have to establish. I apologize for being clueless (yet) - we will try to find a system, where it would be posible to debug it. Our hardware guys are looking, if they can recreate the problem on any of our office computers.
Please send a saved file from msinfo32 utility to support@vsl.co.at
1. Please start msinfo32 from a start menu or a Windows 'Run' dialog.
2. On the application choose File->Save... and store the information to ComputerInfo_YourName.nfo
3. Zip the file and attach to a mail, sending it to support@vsl.co.at
In the subject of the e-mail message please mention "VIP2 and slow/laggy GUI - please forward to George"
Additionally, if such file exists, I would ask to attach also the following log to the mail message, or otherwise mention, that the file is absent:
C:\Users\<CurrentUserName>\AppData\Roaming\VSL\Vienna Instruments Pro\log.txt
If somebody else stumbles upon this thread for the same reasons - please do the same. We will meanwhile continue with our investigation.