I just got Pro2 and VEP5 and love them but havent purchased MIR yet so I need to know fasted & best ways to use. Maybe I am doing this incorrectly so I am currently wondering how many extra steps it will take me to do Mixes. I run all available VSTi (not 32bit instrument which I still run in cubase) in VEP5. I currently output VEP channels to cubase for automation and to use my 32bit UAD plugs which I love. If I want to use MIR on audio tracks I must take extra step to route those into VEP5 to get that to work with MIR. Also need to assign parameters for midi automation so I can mix now in VEP? If this were availble as VST - I could run on one DAW mixer use with all my plugs in one place and not have to jump around to work.
I also have been unable to figure out how to get 2nd computer to use Mir, I know it is possible but would be far easier if I could route stereo mixs back to Host DAW and just call up MIR as VST. (I am running Win 7 and two computers). I don't know if I have hit all points but these are items I would like to get straight for myself
Please tell me what I am doing wrong, I really love the sound of this stuff (MIR) but money is tight and I am about to complete buying the extended libraries for VI Cube. its difficult to buy software that makes mixing/routing harder for me.
Thanks for your help