Thanks DG, I rather suspected something like that.
I have up to now only worked with the special edition where things are straightforward, with appassionata I still have a lot of questions, the answers to which I could not find in the manual. Some are probably very obvious (if you know it :-)) so please bear with me.
1. VI-20_perf-leg_Vib-strong, VI-20_perf-leg_Vib-progr: I hear no vibrato, no difference, does the perf again refer to performing it, and how do you do that on a keyboard?
2. What precisely do the terms interval, interval performance, and alternation refer to: again I was unable to find a precise definition of these terms in the manual. I have a pretty good guess of course but I would like to have it confirmed. More precisely what do
VI-20_perf-rep_leg and VI-20_perf-rep_por stand for?
Sorry for these silly questions. Cheers, Bob.