Hello, I'm still relatively new to the vienna ensemble software & changing articulation has proved to be a puzzle! I've watched the video regarding the matix and I do understand the function of it but I can never reinact. The forum has helped a little but it's not specific, reference to the video is used and it's too vague. Is there no possible way of doing a step-by-step guide to using keyswitch pitch wheel, controller, speed and velocity in the H Span, V span and A/B select? There are so many ways of changing articulations and I've only managed to use velocity articulations in the V-Span. Here's an example of what I'm asking for:
"Changing cello articulations from sustain to portamento using the V-Span Velocity function.
1) Create two matrix cells and find the required articulations, in this case Sustained & Portamento Cello
2) In the V-Span cell, change "keyswitch" to "velocity'
3) Adjust the meter to where you want the articulation to change. As a result, any notes played below the velocity of 64 for example will play sustained, above portamento.
I know this is asking for a lot but I've searched everywhere for the answer and it's really fustrating when you've got an idea and you spend 80 per cent of the time fiddling around aimlessy trying to do something so simple :( Hope someone can provide the answer for me.
Regards, Axel
I'm using Vienna Special Edition with Vienna Instruments with Logic Pro 9