Please try to simply re-run the installers again. I am sure it will appear and work properly.
I have exactly the same problem here. (All version are up-to date and working standalone or in Host). i See another post with this issue.
EDIT : Anyway if i load old session of work, VIpro is loading and workong prefectly (i can Cut/Paste one) but not create from nothing (don't appear).
TIA for help
Same problem here - started off by installing VI Pro2 first and then VEP5, but I have re-installed VI Pro 2.0.9753 - still does not show up in VEP5. Adding an instrument will produce the old VI.
I have then added a VST plugin path to the VIPro (among other plugings) and used the scan functionality - VEP does scan the ViPro, I can see it being scanned in the info line, but it does not show up on the plugin list either.
i have the same VI Pro2 in VE5
i installed VIPro 2 first and VE5 after and they all work in standalone mode,
what is the correct installing order to make VIPro2 working in VE5 ?
i installed the soft from the Vienna USB key,
should i uninstall and reinstall ?
@Sapkiller said:
....uninstalled everything, and then installed in correct order. Now it is working 😊
Thanks for the info Karel !
@Karel said:
Note that this is a transitional issue. It will only happen when you already have an older version of VE Pro installed before installing VE Pro 5. The order of installation won't matter in the future.