Yes I did try and was about to get something quite close to what I like. Actually, what do I like?
Sample libraries have a dry recording. VSL is one of the most dry ever :) It is great so you can tweak the sound as much as you want. But without a good reverb and knowledge in audio engineering it's quite complicated. When MIR came out I saw it as my solution for all the troubles I had and truly IT IS! I spent 1 day setting up my VSL orchestra and wrote 60 minutes of music straight without touching anything. Perfect!
Then...This friend of mine came and tried to tweak the settings...with every venues from MIR. It sounded already better! I was amazed. Finally he told me, "why don't you try Altiverb to check if you like it better?". I argued a lot talking about the space MIR has and how fast I can get it. He plugged 4 altiverb (Todd AO), made some presets of his and played the same music. I was blown away...The sound was not as spacious as MIR, that is for sure but the color was so much...alive! Everything was blended into a perfect warm sound, something I like a lot.
Today, more and more libraries come with their own IR and positionning. It bothers me because I feel that if I buy strings from a different company than brass then the 2 won't sound in the same room because of positioning presets and reverb but I have to admit, when you listen to the samples into their own reverb it sounds just incredible...
A suggestion would be to get from VSL orchestra presets (positionning, EQ, premix) for each room...