There are already a lot of controllable humanize functions in VI Pro. But humanize functions are less effective than the randomness that comes into a performance during actual playing. If you don't believe that, then A/B a keyed-in, manually CCed MIDI performance with a humanized notation file.
What I really wonder about is the original subject of this thread. If for instance, one took the exact same recording setup as Appassionata violins - same players, same positions on the recording stage, same microphones, etc. - and recorded 4 passes of 4-player desks (or however many the numbers would work out to be) for four divisi sections without changing anything, would it be possible to get a sound like the Appassionata full ensemble by combining them? I know that it is impossible to do that with individual solo players. But what about multi-player desks carefully recorded and combined without moving microphones or seating, etc? It certainly works with the Dimension Brass, which sound exactly like solo vs. ensemble. I have a feeling that this is what VSL is working on... and if the automation of splitting can be done as well as it is done with the brass, you have the ultimate divisi strings. However, as some people have complained about, there need to be an enormous amount of recordings done in order to duplicate enough articulations for full expressiveness. If you have to choose between many different expressive possibilities without divisi, or divisi with only a few expressions, what will you do? Decisions, decisions...