I am looking to purchase MIR (I am soooo close to doing it) as it is probably the best reverb I have ever heard. But I am wondering if I can run int on my PC without too many problems and ran out of time/open instances on the trial to fully test it. So hopefully someone can at least shed some light on it for me.
I would be running in on the same PC alongside my template, which is currently using 16gb of my total 32gb of ram. I have a hexacore Sandybridge running at 3.4 ghz, but could OC it to 4.5 if needed.
I am simply hoping to have an impulse for each instrument group, violins, violas, celli, basses, flutes, clarinets, oboe/english horn, bassoon, bass clarinets, trumpets, trombones, horns, tuba, percussion, choirs, and probably a few more. At what point is loading too many impulses going to kill my machine?
I do have another PC here (a 980x Hexacore with 24gb of RAM) that I am not using, but couldn't figure out how to get it setup where all that machine would do is process the audio from my workstation, and I ran out of trial time! Thanks in advance!