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  • Hello Karel

    May be it is the vapor pf the French Champagne we are having on our all inclusive holidays, It is not very clear [8-)]

    Can you put a Logic song with an example of 32 VI 

    If you could fix the PDF of the manual so we can zoom on the image that will help !

    Thanks in advance



    P.S I will be home next week and I will do trials

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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    I've paid for the upgrade but haven't installed it yet because of this, and because I'm mid-project.

    However, since the main reason for my upgrading was the proposed solution to the 16 MIDI channel limitation — and after reading all the above (and the manual) — I'm wondering if it's at all compatible with my way of working in Logic.

    For each bunch of 16 instruments (VSL VIs, LASS patches loaded in Kontakt, etc) I have a VEP instance which communicates with a VEP plugin inserted on a Software Instrument in Logic. The latter plays what is essentially the NET1/2 outputs of the VEP instance. All other NET outputs are received in Logic via AUX channels.

    Now, I'm *playing* each and every instrument through custom Multi-Instrument objects which are connected (in the Environment) to the Software Instrument, triggering the proper MIDI instruments in VEP. These are the only tracks that appear in Logic's Arrange Window. I only add the actual Software Instrument (or AUX objects) as a track when I need to do some automation.

    From reading the above, I'm wondering how the VEP 5 solution integrates into this, as there is a very clear separation between MIDI and audio in my setup. How will the Event Input handle additional MIDI channels when the MIDI data itself is played on a Multi-Instrument track, not a Software Instrument track?

    A screencast would be most helpful since apparently I'm not the only one finding this very confusing.


  • I would like to second your, and my, request, for CLEAR guidance on HOW one sets up VE Pro 5 in Logic 9.  I sounds as though Talino has the same setup, with VE Pro 4, that I have, viz., the one set out in the User Area under Needful Things:  one software instrument track for VE Pro, configured an NON-multi-timbral instrument, a multi-instrument set up in the Environment and cabled to the VE Pro channel strip just set up, and then, back in the Arrange window, additional, EXTERNAL tracks that are assigned to the multi-instrument just set up in the Environment, each of these tracks having its own MIDI channel, using the Library tab to do the assigning.

    I cannot understand whether this VE Pro Event Plug-in gets (1) its own, separate track (the way we used to do it in VE Pro 4, when we put in another instance, as a non-multi-timbral instrument, of VE Pro, in order to create an additional 15 instruments, of (2) whether the Event Plugin is inserted, as a plugin (not a separate instrument with its own track), to the EXISTING VE Pro instance.  If the latter, (2), do I then create an ADDITIONAL multi-instrument in the Environment to get my additional External Instrument tracks?  To WHAT is this new multi-instrument in the Environment cabled?  Just as important, WHERE is the Automation to take place, that is, in what track?  All in ONE track -i the VE Pro Track, or, as it should be, in each instrument track, so that there are up to an equal number of External tracks for instruments and Automation tracks? And another Automation question, where does the Automation for the VE Pro ITSELF take place? If (1), then on the Event Plug In Track, if (2) on the Ve Pro track?

    Finally, again, IF I am to insert the Event Plugin as a Plug-In (not as an instrument with its own track) into an existing VE Pro instance, then, under the set up I describe above, and which I believe Talino has as well, the Plug-in pops up as an "Audio" plugin, NOT an EVENT plug-in as it appears in the VE Pro 5 manual.  This occurred on a new, otherwise empty project which I set up for testing purposes.

    Perhaps Paul could provide an explanation that users like me could more easily follow.  Again, a VIDEO would be VERY helpful (hint).

    I have not reached the stuttering and silence problems mentioned in another post, because I am reluctant to commit projects to this new software until some clarification (and possibly a maintenance release of VE Pro 5) made available.

    BTW, I, too, paid for the Upgrade, site unseen, based on VSL's reputation and my prior experience with the company.  I am sure this will be sorted out, even if it turns out that there are no software issues, just an "understanding issue" by some users like me.


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    I´m showing the Event Input Plug-in at around 4:20 in the VE PRO 5 Overview Video.

    There is not more to it....

    All relevant information for Logic Users can be found on the pages 16 ff and 33.

    Of course there will be more demos to come, but unfortunately the day only has 24 hours....

    I´d be happy to hear about better explanation for this feature from fellow users!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks a lot for taking the time to write this very clear explanation. Can't wait to check it out but I'll wait until my project done... [sigh]

  • Cool. I hope it helps you. I also hope it's clear enough. English is not my mother language :)

    Post your results to see if there's something else I can do.

  • The I/O Utility plugin is required if the I/O buffer size and Process Buffer Range setting are not identical in Logic (which is almost always). Process Buffer Ranges: Small = 512, Medium = 1024, Large = 2048. Otherwise you will get artifacts and dropped MIDI messages depending on which track is selected in Logic.

  • Cojoncio --

    Thank you for your clear statement of the set up.  I did, indeed, get 30 channels to work.  The inability to individually control volume through CC7 remains, as ALL instruments for a given instance of VE Pro (or the VE Event Input) are controlled at once.  It is for this reason that I use the envirnonment approach, rather than the multi-timbral approach.

    Unfortunately, problems of SILENCE have emerged, with NO tracks providing audio output.  I installed the latest (9753) version of VE Pro, and all was well, UNTIL I tried to install a 3rd set of 16.  The VE Pro Manual provides no guidance on this (in case you want more than 30 tracks), so I tried repeating the process for a second set, as you did with the first two, making the second instance of the Event Input plugin a MIDI in 4.  In this configuration, the third set of 16 (with the VE Pro 5 itself instanced), was silent, but showing input from the VI Pro instruments in the track, while the FOURTH set of instruments produced sound! 

    Then, for some reason, I got no sound at all, although If I open up the VE Pro interface, I can play the keyboard window and hear sound!

    So, at present, I am stuck using no more than 30 tracks and dare not try more.

    We could use a little more help here.

    Again, thanks for your very helpful post.


  • Did you correctly put the Logic track that has the Event Input plugin into Live mode?

  • Karel

    On BOTH Event Input plugins, I added the Utility-I/O and set it for output 1-2 (clicking on the radio button to light it up), and then Bypassed both.

    This is what I did:

    To test things out, I started with a new, blank project.  I followed the advice of poster Cojoncio in this thread and got things to work -- at least for a while.  As stated, what I did FIRST was set up a VE Pro instance as a multi-timbral software instrument and then add an additional 15 tracks, and SECOND add ANOTHER multi-timbral software instrument, but instance the Event Plugin (instead of a VE Pro instance) and set it to MIDI in 2 (which your directions in the Manual do not discuss), THEN I get the full 30 channels (since I reserve channel one on both Instruments 1 and 2 for the VE Pro and Event Input plugins), and they work properly.  In other words, I had TWO groups of 16 tracks, the first 8 labled "inst 1"; the second labled "inst 2".  The VI Pro instances within VE Pro were set to MIDI In 1 and MIDI In 2, and each instrument was properly set to its own channel, e.g., MIDI 1, channel 2, MIDI 1, channel 3, MIDI 2, channel 2, MIDI 2, channel 3, etc.

    I then tried to add additional tracks by adding additiona AU instances.  First, I tried to use just the Event Plug in to create my additional groups of 16.  That didn't work, as explained below, so then I decided to just duplicate what I had done to get the first 32 track, but use MIDI In 3 and 4.

    I first tried to get a THIRD group of sixteen by setting up the multi-timbral software instrument, by instancing the Event Plug-In only, but found that when the green Event Plugin window opened there was nothing to Assign it to.

    So I tried another approach.  I tried duplicating what I had done with the first set of 32 tracks, but using MIDI IN 3 and MIDI In 4:

    Again, the procedure was:

    1.  Software multi-timbral instrument - VE Pro with 16 tracks

    2.  Software multi-timbral instrument - Event Plug-in Assigned to the first instance in the VE Pro Server (shows up as "[1]"), Input to MIDI 2, an additional 16 tracks gained (32 so far).

    3.  Third Software multi-timbral instrument - VE Pro with 16 tracks  (I now have a total of 48 tracks) (unable to assign to MIDI 3 when the VE Pro popup appears, unlike Event Plug-In windows).  ==> I cannot figure how to assign to MIDI In 3 for this AU.

    4.  Fourth Software multi-timbral instrument - Event Plug-in Assigned to the second instance in the VE Pro Server (shows up as "[2]"), Input to MIDI 4

    5.  Added Utility-I/O Plug-in to 2 and 4, above, clicked radio button to activate output, and Bypassed.

    6.  Added VI Pro instances within VE Pro and assigned to MIDI 1, 2, 3, 3.  I had trouble here, because one of the VE Pro windows did NOT have the VI Pro instances I had set up in (3) above -- the second VE Pro instance.  So I added ADDITIONAL VI Pro instances and set them at MIDI IN 3 (for the second VE Pro instance).

    I recorded a short strip of music in a Region.  I played the Region in 1, 2, 3, and 4.  For groups of 16 1, 2 and 4, in each case, ALL instrument volume meters in every track (i.e., in each group of 16) showed a signal in the small meter that appears at the beginning of each track, and I could hear sound in the track being played. All 16 lighted up at once in each group.  So in the 1, 2 and 4 groups of sixteen tracks, it appeared to work (I could hear the Region played).

    In 3 (the one with the second VE Pro instanced), the track in which I inserted the Region with MIDI notes showed the meter at the beginning of the track working, but I got no sound.  Also, NONE of the OTHER instrument 3 tracks showed activity in the meters.  In other words, the other 15 tracks showed no sign of activity.

    When I opened the VE Pro Mixer windows for 1, 2, 3 and 4, and then opened up the VI Pro instances I had added within each, I was ABLE to play the keyboard window with the mouse and hear sound.  In other words, until I tried to record and play something,it appeared that all was well in each of the 64 tracks.

    At some point, ALL tracks STOPPED sounding and there was SILENCE, even though I had not changed any of the setup.  It had something to do with playing the music.  Even the FIRST set of tracks did not work.  HOWEVER, when I opened up individual VI Pro instrument instances within VE Pro the keyboard still played when I used the mouse and I could hear sound.

    At the present time,I don't know how to set the SECOND instance of VE Pro to MIDI input 3, and am generally at a loss as to how I am to exceed the limit of 32 tracks.

    System:  OSX 10.6.8.  2.8 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo IMac, 6GB RAM,   VE Pro 9753 (latest version from your website).  Logic 9.1.5.

    I would be happy to upload some screenshots if that would help.  You will have to provide me with an email address or show me how to add a graphic file to one of these posts on the forum.

    Karel -- I know you have your hands full.  Rather than responding to my specific problem, it would be more helpful to me (and perhaps others), to either AMEND the VE Pro Manual or, better, put together a VIDEO, showing the SUCCESSFUL set up of, say 64 tracks within Logic, making sure to tell us, as Cojoncio did, EXACTLY what specific steps need to be taken and buttons need to be pressed to get the system to work.  Part of the problem is language -- this is why pictures of the various steps would be best, then everyone knows what you are talking about.

    I have more than abstract interest in this, because I have just ordered an Apple Mini Server for the spefic purpose of handling VE PRO and the Vienna Instrument library.  It arrives in a few days.

    Thanks for your attention.


  • I also use the enviroment approach, I usually take a long time to upgrade, since I can't afford to have down time. I made the mistake of upgrade, so now I have to go back to Pluge Bidule and musiclab midiLan! The horror!

  • VE Pro 5 can still be used exactly like VE Pro 4 and is completely backward compatible. You don't lose anything by upgrading. I will try to reproduce the strange issues in Logic based on your description, but so far everything seems to work well.

  • Well, this is crazy.

    Despite the long post I wrote trying to carify things I have to admit that the Event Plugin DOESN'T WORK. Period.

    Using the environment approach I set up a multi instrument with 15 channels. Everything worked fine. I added an Event Input  connected to this first VEP instance and loaded a few kontak instruments. Of course the I/O plugin is inserted as required in the manual.

    Try my sounds. Fine. It works great. Press the start key, play the master keboard and get a horrible latency even with the setting is none in the VEP plugin window. Stop Logic and GET NO SOUND PLAYING MY MASTER KBD!!!

    Go back to the arrange window in Logic. Select any of the first 15 channels and play. Good. There are sound. Then choose any of the channels belonging to the Event Input instance. Get sound too with no latency. Great. Start the sequencer and play. Again latency. Stop the sequencer and get no sound, even when I try to play in the screen keyboard.

    So I guess the Event Input is a GREAT idea. Too bad is not working in Logic. The only reason I upgraded was to use this nice feature but still I'm stuck with 16 channels per instance. Don't know if the other users affected by this problem have some kind of solution.

    Any ideas from Vienna?


  • Cojoncio --

    I can't comment on using VE Pro 5 with the external approach, but I did have problems with it also.  To explain:  as I introduced additional Event Input non-multi-timbral instruments in Logic (and thereafter set up External Instruments, after having set up other "multi-instruments" in the Environment), what I discovered was that Logic would NOT select the appropriate External instrument.  For ease of discussion, I'll call this arrangement the "External Instrument Set Up."  In other words, when SEVERAL Event Inputs were set up, Logic would select the MOST RECENT set of External Instruments, even though I had selected a track that contained an External Instrument associated with an EARLIER instance of the Event Input. Only the MOST RECENT External Instruments would be selected, regardless of the Track chosen in Logic.  Put otherwise, when I selected EARLIER tracks with EARLIER Event Inputs, as I watched the Library to the right of the Arrange window, the correct External instrument was not being selected.

    I CAN offer one suggestion that did help me however.  After I had originally set up an External Instrument Set Up, I was having pops and crackles with the instruments that DID work, as well as significant LATENCY problems that I could NOT cure by increasing latency settings in logic and VE Pro.  I DISCOVERED that I was using the WRONG network instance of my Slave computer.  I do not know enough about network set ups to explain this, but when I tried to CONNECT the VE Pro 5 instrument to the Slave, I was given TWO choices, that is, TWO IP addresses (e.g., "" and "") for the SAME Slave computer.  I tried an experiment.  What I did was give the Slave computer a FIXED address, NOT using DHCP in the Network settings of System Preferences of the SLAVE computer. Thereafter, I selected the FIXED address for the Slave computer when I CONNECTED the VE Pro 5 instance in Logic, and the clicks and pops and latency issues, which you seem to be describing, disappeared!  I have tried this on the simpler multi-timbral software instrument set up with equal success.

    The folks at VSL are not in the business of teaching us how to set up networks, but it WOULD help, if they could provide a SIMPLE network setup involving one Mac Airport setup, one Master computer and one Slave computer.  I think I have a typical OSX set up, with my Mac Airport for Internet access, my Master computer, and the Slave computer, ALL capable of providing DHCP service in their respective network settings.  So, at one point, I had THREE DHCP servers going at once (I think).  I believe that what DHCP does is provide IP addresses within a local network, so that the various computer members of that network can communicate via the address provided.  Perhaps having THREE DHCPs turned on leads to confusion and latency issues I experienced.  A user on another forum, who uses the Mac Mini in Logic as a Slave computer, suggested that I TURN OFF the WIFI network (the fan at the top the screen), so that the ONLY network the Mac Mini is communicating with is through the ETHERNET cable.  Again, in the Slave Computer I opened up Network in System Preferences and assigned the Slave Computer a FIXED IP address, turning OFF DHCP.

    All this said, I have NOT gone back to TEST the External Instrument Set Up, using my new network settings.  At some point you like to get back to the music!

    Hope this provides some help.  I have tried to be REALLY clear in my explanation to help others who are not as far along in computer and Logic knowledge as you are.  I have enough trust in this forum, that if I have made mistakes, they will be SWIFTLY corrected.  :)


  • Hi Steve.

    Thanks for the info. At this point I'm using VEP on a single computer, so I have no network issues, but I'm sure your clear explanation will help other users using several computers networked.

    Regarding our prblems, I've been digging around this forum and found this very useful thread:

    There is a solution for the muted Event input. The trick is to insert an I/O plugin in every single instance of VEP, not only the Event Input but also in the VEP instance where the Event Input is connected. You just need to do the same I/O set up as described in the manual. I've tried it with the environment multitimbral setup and it works!! No latency, no muted tracks [:D]

    Karel (from Vianna) reported that it's a good workaround but the downside is that Logic throws all Live mode tracks processing on a single CPU core. At this point I'm working on a small project with two VEP instances, the first one with an event input attached with another 15 midi channels plus Vienna Convolution Reverb, Vienna Multiband (in the master bus), a few Logic instruments and a few audio tracks in the arrange window and it really works fine. There is one node reaching up to 50% while two or three others don't go beyond 5-10%. Also the readings in the CPU VEP meters are about 25-30%

    I'll be able to push the system in my next project but as for now is working OK.

    I'm also waiting for a final solution to this problem as Karel said he's gonna focus his efforts in this issue, making it one of his priorities.

    BTW, I also support the idea of getting some feedback from Vienna on how to set up a simple network. Just a PDF would be enough [;)]

  • What is advantage has the Event input  compared to IAC ?

    Looks like we are having the same problems

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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    @Cyril said:

    What is advantage has the Event input  compared to IAC ?

    Looks like we are having the same problems

    Don't know about the problems with IAC but this is starting to be annoying.

    As I said before, inserting the I/O plug into the main VEP instance fixes the  absence of audio and the huge latency, but is not a solution. It hogs one of the cores so there are artifacts and nasty noises.

    It's a big issue  with one of the most used DAWs aout there (Logic). I'm still wondering how the beta testers and the staff didn't see it [:|]

  • " I'm still wondering how the beta testers and the staff didn't see it"

    As cojoncio said, I can't understand how come vsl staff didn't see this big problem.

    I know karel is working hard to fix this problem but there should a lots of other staff and beta testers.

    don't get me wrong, despite this issue VEP is a very usefull program.

    But I spent one week with vep5 problem and I'm back to vep4.

    vep5 has a great concept and will be very usefull especially for logic users.

    I hope It will woking as promised asap 

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    @cojoncio said:

    It's a big issue  with one of the most used DAWs aout there (Logic). I'm still wondering how the beta testers and the staff didn't see it

    The issue is not on Logic side, on my 12 core Macpro I have hardly any cpu load on the meter of Logic

    On the CPU meter of my VE PRO I can read 35/40 % load

    On the CPU meters on my MAC the 12 CPU are under 50 % and the 12 thread are around 30 %

    Looks like there is a bug ; that they forgot to read the midi off of some notes, this causing hangging notes

    I am going to try to split my big VE in two to see If I can get more notes played !

    One question, if a VI 2 is not used does it put load on VSL engine ?


    Concerning the Beta tester, this is for sure they did not do there job !

    I have propose to Beta test ; they refused !!!!

    1st trial I do I find THE big bug !!!

    I have found other bugs just in one session using only VE Pro 5 (without MIR)

    I dont know how VSL treat there Beta tester, I have been spending a lot of time to help VSL testing VE PRO when they improve the engine for the SSD, I had to make a remark to get a thanks, i did not get any rewards.

     So if they treat there beta tester like this, I am not surprise that we found quite a few bugs

    If you want to get a good job you must reward every work.

    I was thinking to buy MIR for Xmas and my birthday, I am going to wait they fixe this bug !!



    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
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    Yep. As I've said in another thread, this is a bug. When the play bar is pressed the notes sound with a huge latency. When it's stopped there are no sound coming out from the Event Input tracks.

    As for the beta testers, I'd rather make no comments. And I'm sorry to hear Cyril's situation concerning his testing for VSL.

    @moviescoring_30579 said:

    VEP is a very usefull program. vep5 has a great concept and will be very usefull especially for logic users.

    I can see several users are switching back to VEP4. For me VEP5 is pretty stable (as 4 was) and I upgraded just to get rid of the 16 midi limitation in AU, but at this point is completely useless. I paid for nothing.

    Really hope this get fixed soon