Hi, I can't get a connection from my PT's Server Interface to the VEP5 standalone, both running on the same Mac. Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
SOLVED! VEP5 and Pro Tools 10 on same Mac
Thanks for the reply. I have used my MacBook Pro as a slave and it worked great. But I was running out of ram. Tried it as a plugin in PT on my main Mac (with 24 gigs of ram) but after so many native instruments loaded, My CPU started to go red.
I read somewhere that I can run VEP as a slave on the same computer running Pro Tools. Is this not possible?
Yes of course you can run it on the same computer, and for a Pro Tools user, that is what I would recommend. Not only will you be able to use much more RAM, but as RTAS is so appallingly inefficient, you will get far better performance using VEP.
Just make sure that in the VEP preferences "Advertise on Local Network" is checked, and your Pro Tools computer will appear in the server interface, just as if it was a slave.
Thanks DG. I can't seem to find the "Advertise on Local Network" dialog in VEP5 pref.
Also, is it possible to have PT as the host and VEP the slave in this case? When I instantiate VEP in PT, I can't get it to connect ("Available Instances" window is empty in both 32/64 bit). I followed the manual and it still doesn't allow me to connect.
Aaahh yes! I was launching VEP, not the VEP Server app!
Thank you so much for this info! You saved me hours of non-musical work!
Soo appreciate your input DG. Thanks again!!
No problem. I've been working this way in Nuendo for years, so it was an easy fix. [;)]