I upgraded to the newest build 9735 on a Mac Pro Dual 2.5 gig G5 master and a Macbook Pro 2.2 gig Intel Core 2 Duo slave.
I can control the transport from the slave computer but the slave does not recognize midi and there is no sound from Spectrasonics Omnishere plugin.
Any ideas? This same setup worked with VSL4.
OS on the Master G5 is 10.5.8
OS on the slave is 10.6.8.
Pro Tools/VePro5 No Midi No sound
Karel, I tried using the stand alone version of VEPro5 and the plugins all work and I have sound on the slave computer. When I activate the server on the slave machine and use the VEPro5 plugin on the master there is no sound from the plugins. Transport works and instances of spectrasonic plugins all appear to be fine but when I try to start RMX, for instance, the play button on RMX blinks once and does not activate. My controller functions on Pro Tools inserts with all my RTAS plugins. I'll keep trying and let you know my results. Thanks Kirk Mac dual 2.5 Ghz PowerPC G5 6 gig Ram Pro Tools 8.0cs3 VEPro5 9735 build MacBook Pro 2.2 Ghz Intel core 2 duo
Karel, When I connect to the server from the plugin inserted in Pro Tools the VEPro5 server starts with a master fader. When I insert a new channel instrument it appears to not get any midi info from my contoller. I also tried with Logic and everything starts up but no midi info getting to slave machine. Kirk
Karel Pg 18 in the manual says;ATTENTION: RTAS does not support real-time dynamic latency compensation at the moment; the plug-in has to be reloaded for changes to become effective. Disabling Delay Compensation and enabling it again is also known to work. This is what I was referring to. I did shut delay compensation off in PT and VEPro 5 worked. I turned it back on and VEPro5 still works. Sorry if I caused any undue concern with the other members of the community. Thanks Kirk