For many years I have thought that 127 levels is far too low a resolution for velocity in MIDI. Many say you can't hear, but I believe the brain does hear it. Believe what you want. So I was really happy to see that the MIDI spec was updated recently after many years to include Controller 88 or CC88 to enable a high resolution velocity function for controllers and software that supports it. Basically the keyboard records the incoming velocity in high resolution I can't remember the exact number of steps but roughly from memory it's about 60,000 (a lot more than 127 anyway). Correct me if I'm wrong on that. What it does is send a controller data number 0-127 on CC88 immediately prior to a velocity value, the software then recombines these to get the high resolution velocity amount (eg 0-60,000).
I can't hep but think that Vienna Imperial at the very least with it's very high sample count would benefit from this.... and is certainly future proof against this new velocity amount.
Any plans to support this new MIDI feature in the future?