Hi there,
I have been experienced this problem since day 1, so you are not the only one!
Did you manage to resolve it yet?
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Please include your system specs in your mails to support - and I believe it will also be helpful here in the forum, for orientation (a G5 2.0 GHz will have a hard time to cope with a lot of polyphony).
If you include a MIDI file and a short mp3 as a comparison in your mail to our support team, it would be a luxury!
Hi -
I too have a similar problem. When I hold the sustain pedal down for a long time and let all notes ring, the output starts clicking without any particular, repeatable pattern.
Problem is the same in all of these scenarios:
1. standalone on iMac 2.8GHz intel core 2 duo, 4GB, samples on external drive 7200RPM FireWire connect, OS10.5.8.
2. AU in DP 7.2.2 on iMac 2.8GHz intel core 2 duo, 4GB, samples on external drive 7200RPM FireWire connect, OS10.5.8.
3. AU VEPro client in DP 7.2.2 on iMac 2.8GHz intel core 2 duo, 4GB, OS10.5.8; Imperial in VEPro 64bit server on Windows 7 Pro, i7 350, 24GB, samples on internal 7200RPM sata 6gb connect; computers attached to same gigabit switch by short cat 6 cables
Problem does not occur when doing a non-realtime bounce.
I have latest versions of imperial, ve pro server and client, elicenser, etc.
I could capture the audio output if this helps.
Any ideas?
Thanks Andy - I'm at 512 in standalone and still get the occasional clicks. In the DP host I have a 512 sample buffer, too.
I have changed the VEPro AU plugin client to 2 buffers and it now appears to be ok. Previously I've had terrible clicks and dropouts between VE and DP when I've chosen anything other than no buffer. That seems to have been fixed now, and choosing two buffers has fixed this current problem.
I just won't use in standalone - which is fine. That was just to test if the problem was only in the host.
So thanks Andy for suggesting I re-check those settings.
Vienna Imperial works 100% perfect for me, never glitches, never stops. So the the software is all OK, any problems therefore are with the computer running it. For large polyphony and long notes, the hard drive must be fast, not fragmented and not a system drive, and there will need to be a lot a RAM.
I run it on Win 7 64-bit, i7 processor and 24Gb of RAM, running Latency buffer of 128. I always use WD Cavier Black drives.
You could post a midifile of a musical phrase that causes you problems, maybe some solution may come from this.
@Perdurabo said:
Please excuse my ignorance, but how would an example MIDI file help? Would it not be more helpful to post an audio file to demonstrate the sustain dropouts?
If delavagus says he encountered sustain dropouts then I do belief him. Well I also own Vienna Imperial. With such a midi file I could check out if that happens the same way on my computer.