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  • Velocity Xfade via Controller and via Keyboardvelocity

    I think this topic must have already been discussed, but I counldn´t find it.

    I work with VI Pro.

    I offen have the problem, that the dynamic differs a lot between different articulations.

    Generaly i use Vel Xfade via controller. But when I switch between legato and staccato, the staccato sample is to loud and sticks out of in the phrase.

    I find it painful to edit the modulation curve for every staccato event. It wound be easier just to pull down the velocity value. But that for, I must be able to set up a different handling of  Velo Xfade. For staccato it had to work with Keyboardvelocity and not with CC1. But for legato it still has to work via controller!

    Any idea how this can work in one matrix?



  • Suggestions:

    1. Don't use xFade on staccato samples.
    2. Reduce the volume of staccato in the VI Pro mixer


  • Hey DG!

    Thanx for quick reply.

    1.How can I set up a different handling of Velo Xfade in one matrix. Or in a other way: how can I switch of Vxfade only for the staccato patch?

    2.To reduce the volume isn´t apropriate, cause the timbre would still be same only a bit quieter.


    1. There is only one Velocity curve for an Instrument. However, you can increase or reduce the dynamic level on a patch by patch basis. You can set it on/off in the Advanced section of VI Pro.
    2. I agree, but then you have to accept that some articulations are louder than other, because that's the way the instrument sounds.

    I suggest that you look at all the controls in the Advanced section to see what they do, and then spend some time making things more to your liking.


  • Thanks again!

    That´s what I call: Support!

    1.Okay, I will experiment with dynamic response of staccato patch.

    2. I coundn´t see the point why a legato ff shounld have a different timbre than stac. ff.

    When i have the same CC1 value for a legato sample and a following stacc sample it should sound a homogenic as possible. That´s how a real player thinks and play:-)



  • Thanks again!

    That´s what I call: Support!

    1.Okay, I will experiment with dynamic response of staccato patch.

    2. I coundn´t see the point why a legato ff shounld have a different timbre than stac. ff.

    When i have the same CC1 value for a legato sample and a following stacc sample it should sound as homogenic as possible. That´s how a real player thinks and plays:-)



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    @uncle_heinz said:

    2. I coundn´t see the point why a legato ff shounld have a different timbre than stac. ff.

    When i have the same CC1 value for a legato sample and a following stacc sample it should sound as homogenic as possible. That´s how a real player thinks and plays😊


    This discussion has been had before. Whilst in some instances I would agree with you (for example certain notes on some instruments are just softer or louder, and the VI should compensate for this), there are times where certain articulations are just louder. Or softer. Or just have a different timbre. So if you try to get the same timbre across all articulations, using the same value CC, it would just mean that there is an unevenness at the top or bottom of the dynamic range instead.

    Let me give you an example. If I play a really loud staccato note, there is a certain amount of what players sometimes call "hack" in the sound. However, this timbre will never be found in a legato phrase. There is no way of evening this out. To make things match you would have to use a lower xFade velocity for the staccato, which would immediately scupper your plans.

    This is why I use xFade for sustaining articulations, and velocity for one-shot articulations. It is much more intuitive to play, and makes much more sense to me than a same value CC for every articulation.


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    Hey DG!

    @DG said:

    This is why I use xFade for sustaining articulations, and velocity for one-shot articulations. It is much more intuitive to play, and makes much more sense to me than a same value CC for every articulation.

    That is exactly what i try to do!! But again: Is it possible to play legato with xfade and staccato with velocity in the same VI instance.

    I think that the setting for xfade effects all articulation in one VI instance.

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    @DG said:

    This is why I use xFade for sustaining articulations, and velocity for one-shot articulations. It is much more intuitive to play, and makes much more sense to me than a same value CC for every articulation.

    That is exactly what i try to do!! But again: Is it possible to play legato with xfade and staccato with velocity in the same VI instance.

    I think that the setting for xfade effects all articulation in one VI instance.


     Two things you can try:

    1. Play around with the velocity curve, page 23 of the manual.
    2. Sets xFade on or off on a patch by patch basis, also page 23 of the manual.


  • Thanks for being so patient. And I´m sorry for being a bit stupid! 

    So, when i get you right i can switch on/off xfade for individual patches.

    I´ll check P.23!!!

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    @uncle_heinz said:

    Thanks for being so patient. And I´m sorry for being a bit stupid! 

    So, when i get you right i can switch on/off xfade for individual patches.

    I´ll check P.23!!!


    Not stupid at all. The manual is a huge source of information and at first glance it is not always easy to see the ramifications of this information.

    So the answer to your question is basically yes. You also have the opportunity to over-ride this setting with a controller, providing that you set it up properly.
