Once again, I started getting eLicenser problems when trying to launch VEPro Server (Mac - latest Snow Leopard). From past experience, I know that means it's time to download the latest eLicenser, install it, and run the maintenance - then download and install the latest versions of VSL applications.
Things aren't quite right, though. The eLicenser maintenance application hangs up and gives me a "Application 'LCC2' has caused the following error: " warning.
And, when I open VEPro, I sometimes get an error saying that one or more licenses won't work with the current eLicenser version (which is the latest).
I am really growing weary of eLicenser. Things can be fine one day, and then something apparently tims out and needs an update, and there's panic about whether you'll get things fixed or not. I've had some really close calls with deadlines.
eLicenser makes it more difficult to sleep at night.