Can anyone help? There seems to be no way in Lion 10.7 to stop the ve pro server from connecting to the wifi network if Wiifi is on . Why does this not happen in 10.6 and how can I solve this so that I can force Ve pro to only connect through the local host when it is on the same computer as my Daw ?
There are some problems with Wifi and Lion. I had to re-install Lion on my daughter's Macbook because WIFI was getting mad, it was keeing finding the Wifi and not finding it
Try to re-install Lion ! but before repair permission
May be the Wifi pref file is dammadge
@MS said:
Just use different subnets for your wifi and wired connections, and you should have no problems.
IE, Wifi net and wired
Don't put any gateway address on your wired connection, just leave it empty.
I have tried that and it doesnt make any difference . Also it is happening on my main mac with the other computers off . Ie routing vsl into logic on the same computer so no ethernet wired cables invilved .
Here are my settings Main Mac ethernet settings : Ip address 169.254.1. Subnet no router or dns settings all 3 computers plugged in to a netgear gigabit hub.
Wifi : Ip
the other computers ips are and 1.3 with subnet
with no router or dns settings
I tried your subnet but it said invalid
Thanks for any more suggestions
both subnet mask should be
Look at on the Mac area you have a tutorial
Tried finding the tutorial , no luck. Also tried repairing permissioms and deleting the airport preference in Users library /preferences, still no luck . Found a solution which is to use the internet on the slave computer that is running 10.6 . Annoying that I can't use it on my main mac though
I just got an alert message :
Date: 09/12/2011 15:31:47 Europe/Paris +0200
Local Address:
Remote Address: it you ?
try this :
/24 is another way of writing "".
Your settings for the wired connection seem wrong. is reserved for private self-assigned IPs, usually created by the interface when no address have been received from DHCP.
I would suggest you to use the following settings:
Computer 1 WIFI: DHCP
Computer 1 Wired: IP, subnet, no router
Computer 2 WIFI: DHCP
Computer 2 Wired: IP, subnet, no router
- is what is recommended on the vsl forum for self assignd ips . In my frustration I have gone back to 10.6 so thanks all for trying to help , maybe when my current project is over , I'll try again , might even have an altiverb update to work in Lion ?