i bought SE STRINGS and concert guitar in 2010.
In the last 2 months I've been advised from pop up messages that my DEMO was expiring. and actually I can't see Se strings in the Vienna instrument explorer, just the concert guitar is still working.
I'm working on a windows 7 pc. this is my elicenser number: 925441 - 607ce4
user: info@lefmusic.com
se strings expired?!?
Hello koespo,
That´s strange. Both licenses are on your key, and your 180 starts demo license was initialized in August 2010.
Do you have any other VSL Software installed, like Vienna Ensemble PRO or Vienna Instruments PRO?
What does the message say, exactly?
You can also contact us directly at
, it would be great if you could include some screenshots of your eLCC, the error message and your Directory Manager as well as the location of your sample content in the Explorer.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support